
Corgi dogs are an incredibly popular and adorable breed known for their short legs, intelligent expressions, and charming personalities. If you're considering adding a Corgi to your family, one of the key questions you might have is: "How big do Corgi dogs get?" In this article, we'll explore the factors that influence the size of Corgi dogs, their average size, and how to ensure their healthy growth.

The Corgi Dog Breed: An Overview

Corgis are a small to medium-sized breed, and they are available in two main types: the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. These dogs have a sturdy build, a fox-like appearance, and a friendly nature that makes them wonderful companions.

Factors Influencing the Size of Corgi Dogs

Several factors play a role in determining the size of a Corgi:

3.1 Genetics

Genetics is a significant determinant of a Corgi's size. The size of the parents and the puppy's lineage can give you a good idea of how big a Corgi will grow.

3.2 Gender

In most cases, male Corgis tend to be slightly larger than females. However, each dog is unique, and there can be exceptions.

3.3 Nutrition

A balanced diet is crucial for a Corgi's growth. Providing them with the right nutrients at the right stages of development can impact their size and overall health.

3.4 Exercise and Activity Level

Regular exercise is vital for a Corgi's growth and well-being. Keeping them active helps build strong muscles and bones.

Average Size of Corgi Dogs

On average, Corgi dogs stand about 10 to 12 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh between 25 to 30 pounds. However, these are general figures, and individual dogs may vary.

Growth Stages of Corgi Dogs

A Corgi's growth can be divided into several stages:

5.1 Puppy Stage

During the puppy stage, Corgis experience rapid growth, and it's essential to provide them with adequate nutrition and proper care.

5.2 Adolescence

As Corgis enter adolescence, their growth rate might slow down, but they will continue to develop physically and mentally.

5.3 Adulthood

Corgis usually reach their full height and weight by the time they are around one to two years old.

How to Ensure Healthy Growth in Corgi Dogs

Ensuring healthy growth in Corgi dogs involves a few key aspects:

6.1 Balanced Diet

Providing a well-balanced diet that includes essential nutrients is crucial for a Corgi's growth and overall health.

6.2 Regular Exercise

Regular exercise and playtime help Corgis maintain a healthy weight and prevent obesity-related issues.

6.3 Veterinary Care

Regular check-ups with a veterinarian are essential to monitor a Corgi's growth and address any health concerns promptly.

6.4 Socialization

Early socialization is crucial for Corgi puppies to grow into well-adjusted and confident adults.

Recognizing Abnormal Growth

As a Corgi owner, it's essential to be aware of signs of abnormal growth:

7.1 Overweight Corgis

Obesity can lead to numerous health issues, so it's vital to manage a Corgi's weight through diet and exercise.

7.2 Underdeveloped Corgis

If a Corgi is significantly smaller than average, it's essential to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health problems.

Tips for Caring for Large Corgis

Occasionally, some Corgis may grow larger than the average size. Here are some tips for caring for larger Corgis:

  1. 6.1 Modify Diet: Adjust the dog's diet to support healthy weight management.
  2. 6.2 Exercise: Ensure the dog gets enough exercise to prevent joint and mobility issues.
  3. 6.3 Consult a Vet: Regularly consult with a veterinarian to monitor their health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

9.1 How often should I feed my Corgi puppy?

9.2 Can Corgis be left alone for long periods?

9.3 Are Corgis good with children?

9.4 Do Corgis shed a lot?

9.5 What is the average lifespan of a Corgi?


In conclusion, Corgi dogs are a delightful and charismatic breed that brings joy to countless families. Their size can vary, but on average, they stand about 10 to 12 inches tall and weigh between 25 to 30 pounds. By providing them with proper nutrition, regular exercise, and veterinary care, you can ensure they grow into healthy and happy companions. Whether you have a standard-sized Corgi or a larger one, the love and loyalty they offer make them a cherished addition to any home.